High Line Canal Summer Bioblitz Update
Denver Botanic Gardens and The High Line Canal Conservancy have partnered this summer to educate local citizens about the High Line Canal and plant biodiversity and identification this summer. So far we have had two successful bioblitzes that generated 650 observations of more than 120 species! Thirty-two people have joined for a morning of hands-on learning and discussion followed by a morning in the field along the canal to practice and implement their newly learned skills and knowledge.
Bioblitzes are short, focused efforts to document as many living organisms as possible in a specific area.
Some of the less common, exciting and beautiful species we have seen include salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius), wild cucumber (Echinocystis lobata) and some beautiful yucca plants (Yucca glauca).
Even though our remaining bioblitzes are full, we still encourage you to get outside and connect to nature. Come to Denver Botanic Gardens, take a walk on the High Line Canal or even explore your neighborhood streets or parks. iNaturalist and Seek are great free apps that can help you learn about what you are looking at and hone your identification skills.
This blog post was written by Kent Schnacke, botany education and outreach seasonal.

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