"Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountain Region" Now Available!
Authored by 11 staff experts, Denver Botanic Gardens’ new publication – “Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountain Region” – is now available! This Timber Press field guide is designed to be an easy-to-use portable photographic reference in the field. It also includes range maps for each individual plant entry for easy identification. It is available in the Shop at the Gardens.
This book provides plant identification details for 1,200 species of wildflowers (including some shrubs) throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the United States and Canada. Through a simple key system based on flower color, petal arrangement and leaf type, users will be able to identify both common and rare species in the landscape. The guide is broken down into three subregions – the Northern Rockies, the Central or Middle Rockies and the Southern Rockies – and divides plant communities by elevational zones: steppe, foothills, montane, subalpine and alpine.
Plants chosen for inclusion represent the full spectrum of the region’s natural communities, both those that are common and those that are unusual or rare. While the focus of this book is the identification of plants native to the region, some naturalized non-native flora found in natural habitats are also covered.
To learn more about how the book was created, attend the lecture and book signing on Aug. 14, 2018. Four of the authors (Panayoti Kelaidis, Jen Toews, Savannah Putnam and Cindy Newlander) share why this book needed to be published; how they divided and conquered the content creation, including plant selection, photography and writing; and just for fun, a few unexpected adventures they had along the way.
"Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountain Region" Gallery

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