You Grow Girl! Begin Your Girl Scout Adventure
As the seasons shift and our summer greenery is replaced by the colors of fall, we find the perfect time for Daisies to bloom! Plant enthusiasts may cry “nay!” but this is not just any kind of daisy
Diversity in the Arts Internship Experience
Diversity in the Arts (DITA) is an internship program for college students committed to improving diversity, equity and inclusion within the art industry. As a graphic design major at the University
"Shrouded in Light" Book Release Lecture and Party!
The new book "Shrouded in Light: Naturalistic Planting Inspired by Wild Shrublands" by Kevin Philip Williams and Michael Guidi has been internationally hailed as a game-changer in how we perceive not
Explore Captivating Connections Between Geology & Plant Life
From deep shale formations to protruding igneous extrusions, the geology and soils of the steppes are remarkably diverse. This intricate mosaic serves as the catalyst for flourishing flora, with far
Explore the Prairie at the Plains Conservation Center
The prairie teams with wildlife. This diverse and inspiring ecosystem supports a wide variety of plants and animals. Prairie dogs scurry between their burrows while the first wildflowers of the season
Coastal Carolinas’ Savage Gardens and Botanical Hotspots
People are often surprised to learn that the Venus flytrap ( Dionaea muscipula), a beloved and world-famous carnivorous plant, is native to the Southeastern United States, specifically the subtropical
Know a Girl Scout? Help Her Go Green!
Calling all Brownie Girl Scouts who are looking to “go green.” On Saturday, February 3, join us at Denver Botanic Gardens for our Household Elf Girl Scout Exploration Day and learn how your scout can
Join us for camp!
The education team at the Gardens is excited to welcome families back for our 2024 spring and summer camp programs! Our camps, for children ages six to 12, combine STEM and art activities with daily
Reconnecting with My Roots
I was born in Mexico City; my family and I arrived at the U.S. when I was just 8 years old. Eighteen years had passed since I’d been in my native country, but last May, I finally returned to Mexico to
Tropical Plant Mapping and Curatorship Internship
My love and familiarity in tropical and subtropical climates drew me to the tropical plant-mapping internship at Denver Botanic Gardens. I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and moved to Colorado
Closing Thoughts of a Volunteer Coordinator Intern
My name is Katelyn and I interned with the Volunteer Services Department this past summer as part of the Diversity in the Arts (DITA) Internship Program. The purpose of the program is, as stated on
Mapping Potentially Problematic Species at York Street
There is no question that Denver Botanic Gardens has an almost unfathomable collection of plants. By walking through the grounds, you can be transported to the tropics, the windswept alpine or even a