

Enjoy "Digging Into the Gardens" blog, written by Denver Botanic Gardens' staff. Learn about gardening, horticulture, research, conservation, special events, art, tours and much more. 


Start a Backyard Compost Bin

April 24, 2020 Mario Bertelmann
April is Earth Month and a great time to start a compost bin in your own backyard! It is an easy and rewarding way of becoming more sustainable and reducing your carbon footprint. Not only will you

Green-Proof Your Home

April 23, 2020 Lori Rowe
Although the coronavirus is on the forefront of everyone’s mind, now is not the time to forget about climate change--especially since we're seeing improvements with our carbon footprint due to the

How You Can Engage With Earth Day 2020

April 22, 2020 Jennifer Ackerfield
Earth Day is a day to celebrate the environment. This year is particularly special as it marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. Today, just as in 1970, Earth Day participants promote

Tender Cactus and Succulent Collection

April 17, 2020 Nick Daniel
While most humans have slowed down and are staying at home, the plants in our invaluable living collections at Denver Botanic Gardens are continuing life as normal, including the cactus and succulent

Mindful Walks: Spring

April 14, 2020 Angie Andrade
Although it feels like the whole world has changed in the last month—and in a lot of ways it has—nature remains the same. The progression of nature carries on, plants keep growing and seasons are

Spring in the Aquatic Collections' Greenhouse

April 10, 2020 Tamara Kilbane
While the world outside has changed in so many ways, life in the Gardens’ greenhouses have followed a more predictable pattern. Spring remains a busy time indoors here, with many plants getting their

Bromeliaceae in the Tropical Conservatory

April 7, 2020 Scott Preusser
The family Bromeliaceae offers some fascinating plants, a variety of which can be found in the Boettcher Memorial Tropical Conservatory. Though the Gardens is currently closed due to COVID-19, you can

The Next Generation of Scientists

April 1, 2020 Stephanie White
Denver Botanic Gardens plays a critical role in the research and conservation of plants and their ecosystems. While many of our research and conservation efforts focus on stream sites throughout

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