

Enjoy "Digging Into the Gardens" blog, written by Denver Botanic Gardens' staff. Learn about gardening, horticulture, research, conservation, special events, art, tours and much more. 


Echium candicans Blooming Now!

May 14, 2019 Bridget Blomquist
Echium candicans, blooming now in the Orangery (much to the delight of the horticulturist who tends the Gardens’ Echium species), took three years of growing to finally bloom. Its candelabra-like

Gifts for Mother's Day

May 3, 2019 Chuck McGlothlin
The Shop at the Gardens has great gift ideas for the mother(s) in your life. We feature local artists, sustainable practices and many items have a botanical theme. Gifts range from home decor, bath

A Year in the Life of a Gardens Scientist

April 29, 2019 Stephanie White
If you have ever stopped by the Research and Conservation Department’s office in the Boettcher Memorial Center’s basement, you have probably been offered a tour of the Gardens’ herbaria, or dried

Fascinating Finds in the Archives

April 22, 2019 Angela Naumov
As staff and volunteers at the Helen Fowler Library begin to sort through and pack the library collections in preparation for the move to the Freyer – Newman Center, we are uncovering some remarkable

Sustainability Amounts to Survival

April 17, 2019 Brian Vogt
Sustainability is not only a core value at the Gardens, it is the compelling issue of our time. Simply put, sustainability amounts to survival, thinking long-term and doing work today that will

The Forgotten Mycology of Passover

April 15, 2019 Rick Levy
Passover is this month and I, like millions of Jews worldwide, will clear my house of every last bread crumb and gather with friends and family to retell the ancient story of the Hebrew’s liberation

Preserving Plants Using Our Tissue Culture Lab

April 5, 2019 Jameson Coopman
Plants get viruses just like humans, but how do we take care of a sick plant? It is difficult, but necessary, for some special plants like Pelargonium sidoides (South African geranium). We only have

What Horticulturalists Do in the Off-Season

March 11, 2019 Jameson Coopman
When their gardens are blanketed in snow, what do the horticulturists at Denver Botanic Gardens do? Well, for starters, they still garden! When the temperature is above freezing, our dedicated

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