

Enjoy "Digging Into the Gardens" blog, written by Denver Botanic Gardens' staff. Learn about gardening, horticulture, research, conservation, special events, art, tours and much more. 


Tree Diversity and YOU!

February 28, 2017 Panayoti Kelaidis
Everyone says they love trees. Practically every one of the millions of trees in the Front Range was planted by someone. Dutch Elm disease removed most American elms fifty years ago, and Thousand

Supporting the National Seed Strategy

February 27, 2017 Rebecca Hufft, Ph.D.
In mid-February 2017, about 300 scientists, land managers, restoration practitioners and seed production experts met in Washington, D.C. at the National Native Seed Conference. This event is held

Kids are the VIPs at Bumblebee Jamboree

February 10, 2017 Special Events
Each summer, guests flood the Gardens for a summer concert series in our outdoor amphitheater, and the events are well-known in the Denver area. But did you know that Denver Botanic Gardens has its

Plant Romance

January 26, 2017 Erin Bird
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you. This simple, well known love poem may bring a smile or cringe to your face. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and for better or

How to select plant material for restoration

January 23, 2017 Jennifer Ramp Neale, Ph.D.
When does it matter if the seeds or plants are from local sources? The second week of January 2017, twelve experts from around the country representing botanic gardens, academics and practitioners

梅Ume: Prunus mume in Japanese culture

January 3, 2017 Ebi Kondo
A sentimental love affair between ancient Japanese intellectuals and Ume: 梅Ume (Japanese flowering plum), Prunus mume, has been one of the most popular winter-blooming trees in Japan for centuries

December in the Japanese Garden

December 7, 2016 Ebi Kondo
The name of the Japanese Garden at Denver Botanic Gardens, 松風園 Sho-Fu-En, means ‘The garden of pine and wind’ and was inspired by the Rocky Mountain wilderness. During our growing season, we often

New Zealand dreaming

December 6, 2016 Panayoti Kelaidis
Now that temperatures are plummeting in Denver, it’s hard not to think back on the magical three weeks I just spent in New Zealand on a lecture tour where I was representing Denver Botanic Gardens

End-of-Season Edible Garden Practices

November 7, 2016 Ebi Kondo
We think of fall as the time when the fun of gardening ends for the year; but fall is the best gardening season to be active. Enjoy end-of-season vegetable gardening maintenance practices with these

Autumn at Denver Botanic Gardens

October 1, 2016 Brian Vogt
We all have favorite seasons. Mine has always been autumn, probably because it’s the time of year I wish would last twice as long. Everything seems mature in the plant world and determined to go out

Tour the new Steppe Garden

September 23, 2016 Mike Bone
Welcome to the Steppe Garden. This unique garden showcases plants from steppe regions of the world. The featured steppe regions and associated continents are: South Africa, which is divided into

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