

Enjoy "Digging Into the Gardens" blog, written by Denver Botanic Gardens' staff. Learn about gardening, horticulture, research, conservation, special events, art, tours and much more. 

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June Walking Tour – Plant Select Plants

June 1, 2023 Mike Bone

Plant Select is a unique program that brings plants to the consumer market that are good for the Colorado Front Range steppe environment. Plants from the Plant Select® program are integrated into many

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May Walking Tour – Iris Collection

May 5, 2023 Shea Elstein

As you enter Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms you will first walk into the Lavender Garden. In early May, tufts of thick green fans will greet you along the fence borders. There are only a few

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April Walking Tour – Spring in Oak Grove

April 3, 2023 Mike Holloway

One of my favorite places during spring at Denver Botanic Gardens is Oak Grove. It represents everything I love about spring: the color green, rebirth and colorful flowers, just to name a few. When I


February Walking Tour - Escape the Winter Cold

February 2, 2023 Nick Snakenberg
Be sure to stroll the paths of the Boettcher Memorial Tropical Conservatory where you can enjoy plenty of non-orchid tropical blossoms. Although we are often focused on beautiful flowers, tropical
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December Walking Tour – Winter Interest

December 5, 2022 Jennifer Miller

In winter, Denver Botanic Gardens connects us to the wild in a way that no other season can. Stripped of the froth and finery of summer, it feels more rugged and spontaneous, as if some things are

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November Walking Tour – Gimme Shelter

November 7, 2022 Kevin Williams

As the weather turns cold, we seek coziness, covering ourselves in layers of clothing, nestling into blankets and if we’re fortunate, taking sanctuary in heated habitations. When it comes to the

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October Walking Tour – Western Shrubscapes

September 28, 2022 Michael Guidi

The American West is a shrubby place. Our region’s arid climate and ecology limits the growth of trees, leaving grasslands and shrublands to reign supreme. Our dry shrublands are alive with varying

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August Walking Tour – Beyond Our Walls

August 4, 2022 Holly G. Haynes

So, you have walked, biked, bused, scootered or driven to Denver Botanic Gardens on York Street and are ready to explore all the beauty that is within our 24-acre property. Before you make a beeline

Kale and basil

July Walking Tour – Mariposa Urban Farm

July 11, 2022 Jason De Pecol

As cities become an increasingly popular place to live for many, the importance of green spaces becomes even more relevant. Gardens and urban farms provide city-dwellers with a space to connect with

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