Tuesday, April 1

Chinese Calligraphy - ONLINE
Explore the fundamentals of Chinese calligraphy brushwork in this four-week course with San Francisco-based calligraphist and instructor Jojo Liu
Thursday, April 3

Painting on Vellum
Vellum, made from animal skin, is used by botanical illustrators to create luscious, velvet-like paintings. Learn how to use the special

Early Alpine Flora in Watercolor
Working from emerging alpine flora of early spring, create a fully realized painting on vellum. Students will learn the special characteristics of

Color Mixing in Watercolor - ONLINE [1]
Learn about paint properties and choosing pigments to build a system to consistently combine colors and eliminate frustrating trial-and-error
Friday, April 4

Food for Thought: How to Pursue Creative Opportunities Through Open Calls - ONLINE
Interested in applying for juried shows? Learn how to use CaFÉ (CallForEntry), ZAPPlication and other resources offered by Creative West to apply for
Saturday, April 5

Introduction to Embroidery at Plains Conservation Center
Have you ever wanted to learn a truly ancient art form? Embroidery is a relatively simple, approachable way to get into needlecrafting. Little
Friday, April 11

Mixing Watercolor Pencils with Colored Pencils - Section 2 - ONLINE
Learn to layer water soluble pencils with standard colored pencils. The watercolor pencils give coverage, color saturation and depth while the
Saturday, April 12

Watercolor and Ink Nature Journaling at Plains Conservation Center
Saturday, April 19

Prairie Origami
Thursday, April 24

Rags to Rugs at Plains Conservation Center
Braided rag rugs are a traditional American way to use fabric scraps to make something useful. Come learn this historic method of up-cycling that
Friday, May 2

Food for Thought: Scientific Illustration's Many Paths - ONLINE
Ezra Edwards, a science illustrator and recent graduate of the California State University Monterey Bay Science Illustration Graduate program, will
Saturday, May 3

Prairie Origami
Saturday, May 10

Watercolor and Ink Nature Journaling at Plains Conservation Center
Saturday, June 7

Basic Felting
The dense fibers of felt make it amazingly warm as well as water repellent. Turning wool into felt involves nothing more than hot water and some time
Saturday, June 14

Watercolor and Ink Nature Journaling at Plains Conservation Center
Friday, June 20

Feedback Session
This feedback session offers one-on-one time with our botanical illustration instructors. Bring a few works in progress to show or questions about
Saturday, June 21

Impressionism-Inspired Painting in the Gardens
Take inspiration from the exhibition Blue Grass: Green Skies, then head outside to paint en plein air. Learn beginning watercolor tips to help you
Saturday, July 26

Impressionism-Inspired Painting in the Gardens
Take inspiration from the exhibition Blue Grass: Green Skies, then head outside to paint en plein air. Learn beginning watercolor tips to help you

Pie Baking in the Wood Burning Stove
Join us in the sod village to bake pies in the wood burning stove. Learn different crust techniques, seasonal fruit blends and recipes to try at home
Sunday, August 3

Impressionism-Inspired Painting in the Gardens
Take inspiration from the exhibition Blue Grass: Green Skies, then head outside to paint en plein air. Learn beginning watercolor tips to help you