Black and white drawing of people, animal and skeleton spirit guides

Xochimilco: Works by Eduardo Robledo Romero

Step into a world inhabited by animal spirit guides, shamans who can manipulate the weather and farmers who till both soil and spirit.

Oct. 11, 2025 – March 22, 2026

Eduardo Robledo Romero’s artworks highlight the complex ties that bind Mexican culture to the natural world through both Indigenous and European beliefs. Robledo’s artworks draw on cultural traditions from his hometown of Xochimilco, Mexico as well as his own personal experiences to explore the spiritual power of plants, animals and the endless natural cycles of birth and death.


About the Artist

Born and raised in the Xochimilco borough of Mexico City, Eduardo Robledo Romero’s linocuts draw on stories of Mexico past and present—those told by his grandfather, discovered through research and informed by his own encounters. Robledo discovered printmaking as an undergraduate in Mexico City, where he was invited to take part in a printmaking workshop supporting Indigenous communities. Today, Robledo is co-founder of the Lugar de huida gallery, a space dedicating to showcasing Mexican printmakers.

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