Jessi Harvey

Jessi Harvey inspires curiosity about nature through music incorporating humor, surprise and variation. The curiosity and joy expressed through their music offers listeners the opportunity to listen closely to the natural world around them. Their time at Denver Botanic Gardens was used to create Shades of Colorado, a string quartet that explores the lifecycles of local flora and natural phenomena in Colorado.
About the Artist
Jessi Harvey is a Montana-born composer and teacher. Their works are based in nature, social curiosity and humor. Harvey’s work "by the nature of our conversation" won first place at the 2020 Darkwater Womxn in Music Festival. They have worked with several music organizations including, Opera Elect, the Art Song Collaborative Project, and the performance group Strange Interlude. Their work has been featured nationally and they were a selected composer at Unheard-of//Ensemble’s Collaborative Composition Initiative and held a position as a resident artist at the Rensing Center, South Carolina.