Revitalize and Realign with Ayurveda

Cooking for renewal and breathing into transitions. Shed your winter coat and prepare for spring with these tips and recipes from time-tested Ayurvedic principles. This class covers some of the basic principles of Ayurveda with a brief introduction of the doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Learn the tools you need to plan out your springtime renewal ritual and how to customize it for your own constitution, including which foods and spices are appropriate for you. Learn different breathing exercises (pranayama) for each of the different doshas. At the end of the class, enjoy a warm bowl of kitchari and a cup of chai. Take home the recipes so you can make them yourself.


Price: $44, $39 member

Instructor: Farnosh Family
Farnosh was a long time student and teacher of yoga before turning to the sister science of yoga, Ayurveda, for help in healing after the birth of her first child. What she learned in those transformational months led her to a life guided by the principles of Ayurveda for herself and her family. She has studied with many teachers of yoga, ayurveda, and sanskrit including Dr. Vasant Lad, Shiva Rea, Sonia Massoco, Maria Garre, Patricia Wickman, and Dr. Bharat Vaidya. She holds an MA in organic chemistry from UCLA and a BA in environmental chemistry from Columbia University.

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