Activities for Students Onsite or Online

Teacher Resources

Denver Botanic Gardens offers a variety of resources just for teachers. Whether you need re­certification credit or materials for your classroom plant studies, we are here to help.

Request Kits and Resources


Planting Kits

Classroom Grow Kit

Want to start growing plants in the classroom but don’t know where to start? Our classroom grow kit contains two grow lights, clamp shades, seeds, soil and planting containers. Instructions and an activity sheet are included. Advance reservation required.
Cost: $65 per kit (for up to 32 students, grades PreK–12)

Student Planting Kit

Give your students a hands-on opportunity to plant and care for their own seeds. The Student Planting Kit includes pots, soil and seeds. Materials can be picked up at Denver Botanic Gardens’ York Street location. Stream our instructional video with directions for planting. Advance reservation required.
Cost: $3 per student, $30 minimum.


Classroom Resources

Free Gardens STEM Careers Resource (Grades 6–12)

Through short video interviews, students will learn directly from our scientists about their career journeys and what they find fun and fascinating about working at a public garden. Use the optional activities for each video to help students dive deeper into the career fields and explore relevance to their own lives. 


Activities for Students Onsite or Online



Native Plant Treasure Hunt 

Phenology Resource: Participate in Community Science

Colorado Water Crossword Puzzle


Teacher Professional Development at Your School

Have a group of teachers interested in digging into a garden topic together? Choose from the topics below or contact us to let us know what you’re looking for.

  • Growing Plants at Your School
  • Plant Science Across the Curriculum
  • Colorado Ecosystems
  • Phenology and Community Science
  • Nature and Wellness
  • Build your own custom program

Colorado School of Mines credit available for programming over 8 hours (additional fees apply).

Email to request more information.


Teacher Recertification Classes

Denver Botanic Gardens offers a variety of classes to help K-­12 teachers learn more about plants.

Register for a Course

Email with questions about Teacher Recertification classes.

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