Chatfield Farms CSA

Plan Your Visit to the Market Garden

This part of the farm grows food for human consumption – one of the most important jobs in the world. We are glad you are visiting our growing operation. 

The Market Garden is open to the public during Chatfield Farms’ regular hours of operation and is included with admission. No reservations required.


  • Please do not visit our farm when you are not feeling well. You will have a better visit if you wait until you are healthy and you will not make other visitors or our employees sick. 
  • Dress appropriately for your visit. Wear closed-toed shoes, long sleeves and a hat. It is also a good idea to bring a plastic bottle with drinking water but leave it outside the growing area.
  • Your clothing and shoes can bring unwelcome visitors to the farm. Please wear clothing and shoes that are clean and have not been worn around livestock or to other farms.


Rules and Etiquette

  • Please do not eat, chew gum, use tobacco products or spit in the growing areas. 
  • Place all trash in the trashcans provided and do not leave any trash in the growing areas.
  • Clean your shoes before entering the Market Garden. 
  • Stay on the main path. Follow our visitor signs and watch where you step. Plants are fragile and the ground may be uneven in places.
  • Do not pick fruits or vegetables, including items off the ground. 
  • Use restroom facilities (near the Earl J. Sinnamon Center) as needed, and to wash hands and change diapers.
  • Watch out for important plant visitors – lots of bugs, bees and animals live near plants.


We hope you enjoy your visit. Tell us what you liked most!

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