Children and Family Workshop: Savvy Seed Starters

Is your family looking to cultivate its green thumb? Learn the basics of planting seeds for a successful garden as we dig into the practice of starting seeds indoors. Repurpose everyday household items and plant seeds of plants commonly found on a pizza. It may still be chilly outside but now is a great time to start thinking about your summer garden!

Each participant takes home planted seeds to transplant into their home garden later in the spring.Seedlings can be transplanted into a garden bed or container.


Family workshops offer families a hands-on guided classroom experience to learn about the science and enchantment behind the plants in our everyday lives and explore the natural world.


Program Location: This program takes place mostly indoors.


Audience: Materials and program format are appropriate for families with children aged 7 and up.


Price: $17 per person; $15 per person member


Registration Instructions: All individuals present for the workshop must be registered. Due to limited classroom space and materials, we are unable to accommodate non-participating adults and children. 


Cancellations: Cancellations more than one week prior to a class are subject to a 15% cancellation fee. Cancellations with less than one week's notice are non-refundable.


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