Denver Native American Dance Troupe and 4th of July Fireworks

Join us to experience Native American dances and songs of the Great Plains. Every performance is supplemented with stories of origin for the different dance styles and explanations of the regalia. The troupe provides enlightenment to help build awareness and unity among cultures and people by educating those willing to learn. After the performance, we will gather together to watch the fireworks across the Denver area from the high elevation of the Plains Conservation Center. Bring chairs, blankets, etc.
DNADT consists of family members of the Denver Singers. The Denver Singers are a Native American drum group that was formed in the early 1970's. The drum group is composed of singers from many tribal nations. Denver Singers sing in the original Northern Plains style of singing.
Presented and Managed by the City of Aurora
Audience: All Ages
Price: $5 per person. Children 2yr and under are free.
Location: Plains Conservation Center, 21901 E. Hampden Avenue, Aurora, CO 80013