Color Layering for Colored Pencil - ONLINE

Colored pencil presents a special challenge: mixing color directly on your drawing. Develop your own color reference sheets to speed color

Online (Mountain Time)
Botanical Illustration Certificate
Online - Mountain Time
Program Registration Fall/Winter
School of Botanical Art & Illustration

Watercolor 2 - ONLINE

This class brings it all together for watercolor: layering, shading, brush techniques, broad washes and building form. Draw from a live specimen to

Online (Mountain Time)
Botanical Illustration Certificate
Online - Mountain Time
Program Registration Fall/Winter
School of Botanical Art & Illustration

Photographing Your Artwork and Specimens

A good photograph makes all the difference! Whether documenting a plant specimen to use as reference, or photographing finished artwork to post on

York Street
Art Exploration
Program Registration Fall/Winter
School of Botanical Art & Illustration

Fantastical Still Life in Gouache

Play with the fantastically "unstill" side of still life painting incorporating unique perspectives, abstracted forms, and a touch of fantasy

York Street
Art Exploration
Program Registration Fall/Winter
School of Botanical Art & Illustration

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