Orostachys: living jade for the garden
July 31, 2010
Panayoti Kelaidis
Orostachys iwarenge This time of year there is no end of vibrant, glorious color at Denver Botanic Gardens. May I remind you that green is also a color? Few plants exemplify the paradox that gardens
Sensory Garden Groundbreaking
July 24, 2010
Sarada Krishnan
Coinciding with the 20th anniversary celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Denver Botanic Gardens broke ground for the new Sensory Garden today, a garden created specifically for
Flavors to Savor in the Boettcher Memorial Tropical Conservatory
July 20, 2010
Nick Daniel
When it is as hot outside (and inside the Boettcher Memorial Tropical Conservatory), as it has been, I tend to find myself eating more ice cream. Last night as I was enjoying a mixed bowl of chocolate
Specimens at Denver Botanic Gardens Document Climate Change
July 12, 2010
Research & Conservation
Denver Botanic Gardens and University of Denver (DU) are currently collaborating to conduct research that documents climate change effects on native flora in Colorado. We have been using preserved specimens from the Gardens Kathryn Kalmbach Herbarium and other regional herbaria to determine if flowering time has changed over the last 100 years. A preserved plant with reliable label data is proof positive that it existed in a specific place at a specific time in the state it is shown.
Water garden curator Joe Tomocik plants waterlilies with the interns
July 1, 2010
Horticulture Department
It is no secret in horticulture and gardening that plants need water and who knows this better than Joe Tomocik, curator of water gardens, whose waterlilies hardly spend a day out of it. Once the
Bioblitz! A comprehensive biological survey
June 17, 2010
Research & Conservation
Q: What do you get when you set loose over three dozen passionate biologists who study animals, plants, and fungi in a nearly pristine ranch in Southeast Colorado for a 24 hour period? A: A BIOBLITZ
Lilac Garden's Stunning Display of Colorful Irises
June 17, 2010
Matt Cole
Like several other bloggers here, I have really enjoyed the irises in bloom in the Lilac Garden. They're stunning! While we all rhapsodize about how colorful the blooms are, and how marvelous the
Foxtail lily botanic gardens
June 16, 2010
Panayoti Kelaidis
Himalayan foxtail lilies in the Perennial Walk Foxtail lily hybrids in the Ornamental Grasses garden If you've been to Denver Botanic Gardens in the last month you can hardly have missed them: no, not
Bluff Lake and Denver Botanic Gardens: a partnership to heal the earth
June 15, 2010
Research & Conservation
Denver Botanic Gardens has been involved in restoration of damaged ecosystems around the state of Colorado through its Research and Conservation programs for at least a decade, but none have been
Tiny Lesquerella in the Piceance Basin
June 4, 2010
Michelle DePrenger-Levin
They may be tiny mustard plants but they have a huge impact in a region believed to contain one of the nation’s largest reservoirs of natural gas. Physaria congesta ( Lesquerella congesta) and P
Community Supporting Agriculture at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield
May 21, 2010
Doris Boardman
Denver Botanic Gardens and Kaiser Permanente have created a first-of-its-kind community supporting agriculture (CSA) program. The community farm will provide fresh local produce to Colorado families
Gardening Season Arrives for Rocky Mountain Gardeners!
May 8, 2010
Matt Cole
I can tell gardening season is here, not just by the brilliant sunshine, the gardeners eager to get started, the students jumping into classes that they'll use next week, the plant sale and the