Tuesday, April 1

Chinese Calligraphy - ONLINE
Explore the fundamentals of Chinese calligraphy brushwork in this four-week course with San Francisco-based calligraphist and instructor Jojo Liu
Wednesday, April 2

Drawing in Pencil 1 - ONLINE [1]
Beginning with an overview of the specific elements of botanical illustration, learn the skills of careful observation for life-like drawings in
Thursday, April 3

Color Mixing in Watercolor - ONLINE [1]
Learn about paint properties and choosing pigments to build a system to consistently combine colors and eliminate frustrating trial-and-error
Friday, April 4

Food for Thought: How to Pursue Creative Opportunities Through Open Calls - ONLINE
Interested in applying for juried shows? Learn how to use CaFÉ (CallForEntry), ZAPPlication and other resources offered by Creative West to apply for
Tuesday, April 8

Seven Principles of Water-Smart Gardening - ONLINE
Rocky Mountain Gardening Elective
Gardening remains high and
Evergreens for Colorado Landscapes - ONLINE
Rocky Mountain Gardening
Friday, April 11

Mixing Watercolor Pencils with Colored Pencils - Section 2 - ONLINE
Learn to layer water soluble pencils with standard colored pencils. The watercolor pencils give coverage, color saturation and depth while the
Saturday, April 12

Vines and Groundcovers - ONLINE
Rocky Mountain Gardening Required Course
Vines and groundTuesday, April 15

Rocky Mountain Horticulture II - ONLINE
Rocky Mountain Gardening Required Course
Expand yourThursday, April 17

Rocky Mountain Gardening Short Course Certificate - ONLINE
Tuesday, April 22

Light on Form - ONLINE [1]
The secret to portraying light and shadow on your subjects lies in understanding the science of lighting as it applies to different three-dimensional

Floral Portraits in Mixed Media - ONLINE
Create unique flower portraits that recall memories of beloved people and places. Incorporating the language of flowers, learn to use herbarium
Wednesday, April 23

Creating Your Hobby Greenhouse - ONLINE
Rocky Mountain Gardening Elective
This course is offered live online. Recordings are available for 16 days after class ends. So, you want to have aSaturday, April 26

Bluegrass and Other Lawn Grasses - ONLINE
Rocky Mountain Gardening Required Course
This course is offered live online. Recordings are available for 16 days after class ends. Lawns are a
A New Gardener Boot Camp - ONLINE
Thursday, May 1

Watercolor 1 - ONLINE [1]
Drawing skills and color mixing experience are combined to further explore watercolor paint. From flat and graded washes, to highlights and drybrush
Friday, May 2

Food for Thought: Scientific Illustration's Many Paths - ONLINE
Ezra Edwards, a science illustrator and recent graduate of the California State University Monterey Bay Science Illustration Graduate program, will
Saturday, May 3

Water-Wise Landscape for Non-Designers - ONLINE
Rocky Mountain Gardening Required Course
This course is offered live online. Recordings are available for 16 days after class ends. Interested inMonday, May 5

Colored Pencil 2 - ONLINE
Develop more advanced color pencil skills and gradually learn to create a layered drawing by experimenting with different surfaces and solvents for

Watercolor 2 - ONLINE
This class brings it all together for watercolor: layering, shading, brush techniques, broad washes and building form. Draw from a live specimen to