Saturday, March 1
Artist's Skills: Digitizing Your Artwork - ONLINE
Learn how to digitize your artworks using a standard household scanner and how to tidy up your files in Photoshop so that they're ready to turn
Introduction to Coil Basketry at Plains Conservation Center
Coil baskets are a form of basketweaving that can be found in a wide variety of cultures across the globe. Their simplicity and diversity make them
Monday, March 3
Cacti and Succulents in Mixed Media - ONLINE
Cacti and succulents are resilient plants that thrive in harsh conditions. Learn mixed media techniques using watercolor and gouache to establish
Colored Pencil 1 - ONLINE
Colored pencils are a versatile, affordable and portable medium perfect for sketching on-location, as well as producing stunning illustrations in
Tuesday, March 4
Sunrise Vinyasa Yoga at the Gardens
Looking for an amazing place to practice yoga? No studio can match the experience of practicing in nature, surrounded by the stunning landscapes at
Lunchtime Vinyasa Flow
Reset your mental landscape with an intentional and refreshing mid-day yoga practice.
Vinyasa flow is a yoga practice that weaves postures with
Seasonal Discoveries Tour
No matter the time of year, botanical treasures await your discovery with these guided tours of gardens at their seasonal peaks. Experience the
Nutritive Herbs and Botanic Safety - 101
The first part of class gives an overview of botanical safety guidelines, including critical thinking, dosage strategies and primary considerations
Wednesday, March 5
Chi Kung For High-Level Wellness
Experience this 4,000-year-old Chinese system of movements, postures, stretches, breathing exercises and meditations. Chi Kung (Qigong) is one of
Yoga at the Gardens
Looking for an amazing place to practice yoga? No studio can match the experience of practicing in nature, surrounded by the stunning landscapes at
Drawing in Pencil 2 - ONLINE
Expand on the skills from Drawing in Pencil 1 to reinforce and refine your knowledge of graphite pencil. Build upon what you already know to master
Evening Yoga
A gentle class combining principles of Vinyasa and Hatha yoga. Students focus on flowing from pose to pose and linking the movement with the breath
Spring Exhibitions Reception
Join us to celebrate three exhibitions inspired by the natural world:
Language Without Words: Works by Ash Eliza Williams
Seeds of Inspiration
Thursday, March 6
Sunrise Vinyasa Yoga at the Gardens
Looking for an amazing place to practice yoga? No studio can match the experience of practicing in nature, surrounded by the stunning landscapes at
Art at the Gardens Tour
Explore the latest art exhibitions in the Freyer - Newman Center galleries with a friendly and knowledgeable guide.
Denver Botanic Gardens is
Tropical Trails Tour
Escape to the tropics any time of year with a tour of the Boettcher Memorial Tropical Conservatory.
Immerse yourself in the multisensory
Feedback Session - ONLINE
These feedback sessions offer one-on-one time with our botanical illustration instructors. Bring a few works in progress to show or questions about
Composition for Botanical Illustration - ONLINE
The difference between a pleasant picture and an amazing work of art is often the composition. This course begins with a study of how to use
Friday, March 7
Food for Thought: A Journey of Art, Science and Storytelling - ONLINE
Artist, scientific illustrator and muralist Catie Michel shares her creative journey. Grounded in field research and science communication, her
Saturday, March 8
A New Gardener Boot Camp
Are you a blank slate when it comes to starting your very own garden? Worried about ending the growing season with a pile of dead plants and sad